We have been in the marketing and advertising business for over 20 years, helping everyone from Fortune 500 clients to small local start-up businesses. No matter what the size or budget, we treat all our clients with the same level of professionalism and expertise. Below you will find a list of our services. If you don’t see something that fits your specific needs, please contact us. I’m sure we offer it or know someone who does that we can refer you to.


We have been in the marketing and advertising business for over 20 years, helping everyone from Fortune 500 clients to small local start-up businesses. No matter what the size or budget, we treat all our clients with the same level of professionalism and expertise. Below you will find a list of our services. If you don’t see something that fits your specific needs, please contact us. I’m sure we offer it or know someone who does that we can refer you to.

  • visual identity
    We will create a logo, color schemes, photographic or illustrated style and mood for your business. All of which come together and appeal to your target audience. Are you trying to reach a younger audience, an older audience, a local or a tourist? The directions are endless, which is why we start every identity from scratch and custom build around your needs.
  • verbal identity
    We will also develop how your company sounds. From a tagline to the verbal feel and tone of your written pieces. Should your company be to-the-point, tell a story, have a sense of humor? Once again, based on the personality you want your business to have and the audience you intend to reach, there are many tones to choose from. The right approach will be matched to your business.
  • branding
    A company’s brand is its over all tone and personality. Is your brand one of tradition and consistency or fresh and innovative vision? Howdo you want your patrons or customers to see you? Everything you do and say needs to drive down the same path. This will help build strength and trust with the public. We can help you find your brand or create one for you. Then tie it all together with your visual and verbal identity for a focused target.
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We will take your brand and transfer it through all your sales tools, consisting of:

  • business cards, stationary, envelopes, folders
  • media kits
  • promotional brochures
  • and so on.

All custom built around your company’s goals and reaching your target audience. We can make something as simple as a business card, turn into an amazing promotional tool with multiple uses. In other words, we are capable of looking beyond the traditional boundaries of a piece and pushing them to work harder for you. Contact us to talk about the possibilities.

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No matter what your print needs are, we can oblige. From the simplest black and white newspaper ad to the most extensive, high end brochure needs, we will give the same consideration to every piece we create. Some of which may include:

  • brochures
  • rack cards
  • magazine ads
  • newspaper ads
  • post cards
  • direct mailers
  • posters
  • and so on. The list is endless!

Once again, all pieces are custom built with no templates used. Our relationships with local printers are strong and that translates into discounted printing costs for you. Please contact us if you don’t see something listed here.

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From concept to launch, we will create a custom web site built around your company. Once again, we won’t fit your business into an existing web site template. Since we have an extensive understanding of branding, we will make sure your site will coordinate seemlessly with your brand and other printed pieces you may have. Your site’s navigation will be designed to strategically lead your customer/audience down a targeted path. Creating better results and a well organized, focused package. Our web offerings include, but are not limited to:

  • two concepts/designs to choose from
  • a flowchart showing the ares of your site and how to navigate through it (with as few clicks as possible before the viewer reaches their objective)
  • production and programming of your site
  • testing before launching your site
  • setting you up with an appropriate hosting company, depending on the specific needs of your site (not all hosting companies are alike)
  • search engine optimization (making sure your web site shows up high in the search engines results)
  • web site promotions - from banners ads on line to printed pieces

We offer a base web site package with several “add-on” features, to create as big or as small of a web site you need. From informational to e-commerce, we can build it. Once again, the possibilities are endless and so is our knowledge of the web.

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We have experience with several other marketing tools and mediums your business may need. From creating CD-ROMs, to your store’s interior design and signage. Even t-shirts! Whatever the medium, we can blend them all to your brand for a strong, consistent identity. Contact us with your needs and if we can’t help you, I’m sure we know someone that can.

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